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Android: Moving Charts to a New Device

A lot of folks are getting new phones these days and need some help moving their charts from the old device to the new one. Years ago when Android added the option to save data in external memory JyotishTools and Tropical Skies began saving charts there rather than internally. Over time Google chose to change the way memory works. Many devices have “emulated external memory” and that is where charts a currently stored. You can find the location while having a chart open and in the menu selecting Tools->Where are my charts? Typically it will show:

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Same with Tropical Skies but the chart file is TSCharts.db.

Android has had auto backup for awhile though typically it would only save some preferences. It was also very arcane for developers to use due to poor documentation and lack of good examples. Also with some apps like JyotishTools and Tropical Skies it might be more appropriate for the user to decide when they want to backup.

So to move your charts to a new device you can use a free Android file utility such as Astro to move your file to a new device. This is an picture of the JyotishTools folder on Android:
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Here you see the JyotishTools JTCharts.db and a JTCharts.db.zip file which was created using the utility. The zip file will allow you to “share” the file and send it via email or to “Drive” on the “cloud” (you’ll find the Share option in the file utility menu). Then on your new device open “Drive”, select the zip file and Download. You will fine the zip file in the Downloads folder. Copy it to the JyotishTools folder (you’ll need to also install the file utility on the new device too). Then select the zip file and extract it to the folder. JyotishTools should be able to open the chart database.

That’s not too complicated but I am working on doing this from the app itself without using a utility and making it simpler.

Update: options have been added to JyotishTools Android for backup and restore of charts, personal atlases and settings. Note that the settings restore reliability may depend on your device manufacturer. For charts and personal database (if you use one) those can be stored on your Google Drive or emailed. Also newer versions of Android do allow access through device Settings to the JyotishTools folder where the above can be done manually without need of a file utility. This functionality is also being added to Tropical Skies.

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The Online Horoscope does not store any personal information on the website

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